Unlocking significant tax savings and growth for Mary and Andrew

Learn how Beacon Global Wealth Management helped an affluent couple secure significant tax savings, growth on assets and succession planning in Portugal.
Saved in tax over 10 years
Tax on pensions
Capital growth on assets under management

What was the goal?

Mary. S and Andrew. H, originally from the UK and Ireland, faced complex financial challenges as they planned their move to Portugal. With private pensions, US tech stock investments, and rental properties generating passive income, they needed to minimise tax implications and protect capital growth. Additionally, they required a succession plan for smooth asset transfer to their children from previous marriages.

"Thanks to David and his team who supported us and offered expert advice, we achieved peace of mind regarding our tax savings and asset growth, allowing us to enjoy our life in Portugal." – Mary S. and Andrew H.


  1. Comprehensive Financial Consultation:
    • Income Analysis: Conducted an in-depth analysis of their pensions, investments, and income sources.
    • Tax Strategy: Developed a customised strategy for optimal tax positioning and asset growth in Portugal.
  3. Tax Structuring and Optimisation:
    • Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs): Utilised DTAs between Portugal and the UK/Ireland to reduce tax on overseas pensions to 10%, saving 38%.
    • Pension Restructuring: Aligned their pension income with tax-efficient vehicles under Portuguese law using European approved Unit Linked Life Insurance Bonds.
    • Investment Optimisation: Recommended tax-efficient structures that work perfectly for Mary and Andrews non-Portugal derived income and optimised their position for growth and tax for the long term.
  5. Asset Protection and Growth:
    • Capital Growth Protection: Advised on strategies for capital protection and growth security.
    • Income Optimisation: Created diversified income streams to minimise tax impact and maximise cash flow, ensuring low tax status beyond their NHR tax benefit period.
    • Succession Planning: Implemented a plan for smooth and tax-efficient asset transfer to their children, ensuring long-term financial structure and security.


  • Significant Tax Savings: Achieved tax savings of €850,000 over 10 years.
  • Enhanced Asset Growth: Delivered a 3X increase in investment portfolio growth.
  • Secure Succession Planning: Established a clear, effective succession plan, ensuring peace of mind for their family's future.

Summing up

Our tax optimisation, asset protection, and succession planning strategies helped Mary. S and Andrew. H achieve their financial goals in Portugal. By leveraging international tax agreements and strategic financial planning, we secured significant tax savings, robust asset growth, and a secure future for their family. We regularly update our clients, assess portfolio performance, and make recommendations and adjustments with the family every step of the way.

If you face similar challenges and seek expert guidance, we work with wealthy families to provide peace of mind and personalised plans to meet your life goals.

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